Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dependent Eligibility Audit Question About Required Health Insurance For Dependent Child?

Question about required health insurance for dependent child? - dependent eligibility audit

We live in California. Her daughter is 3 years old and lives in Michigan. She wrote in the health insurance through your employer .. the child's mother moves MiChild and did not tell him about her daughter .. Login (if you're a doctor indicate that she is not sure Yes, I know that do not appear on your statement fraud, when we told them about it) a few months later was automatically added and a letter stating that "it is necessary is to care for and been paid for several months. Now you have a "review of eligibility for the office found" and he should send his birth certificate for verification.
If this is not the case can not ... Let's spend the time and not send, because the coverage is more money? and the mother does not really?


  1. My son is one that requires it be granted. If you are on the welfare of the child - such as health insurance, social welfare, child welfare department and after coming to pick up his father to him.

    I would not let the cover. However, you can return and ask to change the child, as currently provides health insurance for children. Even if the mother did not use.

  2. Health insurance can be very difficult. Since I live in Maryland, I am not with laws and regulations of Michigan, then I suggest you call a health insurance agent near you. should help in the situation.
